Wednesday, October 29, 2008

1 Month Old!!

When God leads you to the edge of the cliff,
trust Him fully and let go, only one of two things will happen,
either He'll catch you when you fall, or He'll teach you how to fly! '
God closes doors no man can open & God opens doors no man can close.
It is so hard to believe Makayla is a month old! Having a newborn baby is a whole new ball game! Maegan was almost six months old when we brought her home and her wonderful fostermom already had her in a routine. She only woke up once during the night. Not this little piglet! She loves to eat! Her cheeks are filling out and so is her second chin! She only cries when she is hungry and you are taking too long to make her bottle, when you are changing her and bathtime. I dread bathtime because she hates it so bad. She cries so hard she sleeps for atleast four hours straight afterwards!
Today Makayla's babybook came in the mail. I found it on Amazon. It is called, my family, my journey. It is so neat. So if you are looking for an adoption baby book this one is great.
Maegan is still doing good at sharing the attention. She baby talks to her when she is crying. Sometimes they cry together-Funtimes!

1 comment:

Mama Bear said...

Oh Lisa, they are so totally beautiful. I love love love seeing their pictures. It is so incredible having two girls and even more of a blessing being able to have the opportunity to stay at home with them. Oh those goodbye's for preschool truly stink even though I know she loves it!!!! Hoping you get some sleep!