Sunday, May 16, 2010


I wanted a cute pic of Maegan in this way cute outfit I got her at Crudefest,but she only had silly faces for me.
Joel's family.

The way cute pot Makayla and Mrs. Becky made for me for Mother's Day. The caterpillar is made with her thumb prints!

Joel always manages to cute my head off in pics. hmmmm....makes ya wonder huh?!

!st dance recital!!

Maegan and her "monkey smile"
Makayla wasn't in the mood for pictures. She only had a 30 min nap all day and fell asleep during the recital.

Wayland and "cousin" as she calls him

Maegan and good 'ole Poppy

The Tredaway's and Maegan

Maegan dancing to R-E-S-P-E-C-T