Wednesday, October 15, 2008

2 weeks old today!

Two weeks ago tonight, we received THE CALL!! I'm still amazed. A lot of people didn't know we were adopting again. It's not that I left anyone out, everything happened so fast! Our social worker hadn't even mailed our homestudy off yet! Gotta love God's perfect timing! Thank you to everyone who prayed for us, called to keep me company while I was alone in LA & for being supportive! It means a lot to us. We are very fortunate to have such great friends & family.
Makayla will have her first Dr.'s visit this Friday. I'm anxious to see how much she weighs. She wants to eat every hour to hour and a half. If by some chance she sleeps for more than two hours in a row, she wakes up wanting her bottle ASAP! Maegan is being such a good big sis! She wants to hold her and feed her. After about a minute she calls it good. When she's sleeping she'll peek over at her to make sure she's ok.
We also have to go to San Antonio soon to start the finialization of the adoption. We will go back in six months to court in San Antonio to finialize. Much different than with Maegan.


Jo said...

Congrats to you! I have been following your blog for a few weeks now. We are starting the paperwork for our second adoption. Funny, I suppose we all have the same prayers, "open the door or close 'em, Lord".

I am very happy for you!


Maria and Family said...

I love the picture of the girls sweet. So is your adoption not final? Or is the paperwork just routine? Forgive me I know nothing about domestic...So happy for you guys. Maria

Mama Bear said...

Oh Lisa, I am soooo very happy for you. The two girls are truly so incredibly beautiful. Hoping and praying that everything gets completed quickly.