Monday, October 27, 2008


For the first time in several years I am at peace! I feel like a ton of weights have been lifted off my chest. I've been contemplating leaving my current job for several years, and today I finally did it! I had not and still do not have one ounce of regret. I loved my profession and working with patients, but realized I had to follow my heart and my morals. I'm looking forward to focusing every bit of attention to my two wonderful blessing God has given us. I do not want to look back and regret missing their baby years. That regret, I could not handle. Thank you all for your words of encouragement and blessings that you have called and emailed me with! It reassures me that I have done the right thing.

Now on to my two pride & joy baby girls!

Makayla sleeping peacefully......but not for long! Maegan cannot stand to see her sleep.

Makayla absolutely loathes being woken up! Maegan can't figure out why she is crying.

Trying to soothe her with her paci.

Thankfully my camera was close by to catch Maegan playing Mama to Tigger.

She loves to hold Makayla, but doesn't understand actually physcially hold her! She just wants her to chill in her lap.

PRICELESS! Looking forward to lots of memories with my girls!! and Joel.

This was Maegan on Sunday. We went to Joel's parents and she refused to take a nap. As soon as we got into the car she asked for her blanket. I looked back to check on her and this is what we saw! She was done for! It was 6pm and she was out!!! She slept through the night until 545a this morning.

With gratitude, I turn to you, God, to receive spiritual guidance, communication, and direction. In the quietness of my Right-Mind, the place within me where our minds are joined as One, I listen to your Voice of wisdom and truth and I know what to do.



Dear Lisa,
Its Jennifer from FTC...One of the 5 girl referrals. I just wanted to tell you congratulations! How exciting. Your girls are beautiful and precious and seeing them together brings tears to my eyes.
Makes me want to start my adoption tracks again and give Sophia a little brother or sister. Time is the essence, though. Peace and Love, Jennifer S

Maria and Family said...

Lisa could your girls be any sweeter? You LOOK happy. I am so glad to hear you are happy with your choice to quit that awful job. Enjoy your babies !!