Saturday, August 8, 2009

Summer is almost over....

We signed Maegan up for soccer today, so we started practicing some with her. She was laughing so hard at herself!

Kelli helping Maegan in the tube. She doesn't care for the lake or ocean anymore. She loves pools though.

Makayla chomping on some ice. She turned 10months old on Aug. 1st! I can't believe she will soon be 1. This bikini is the same one Maegan wore when she was 17months old! Must've shrunk in the washer!

Makayla enjoying the cool water at Jackson's birthday party.

Makayla would stick her hands in the water and suck the water off of them. She had a blast splashing.

Makayla plays so contently alone in the toyroom. She climbs up on all the toys and whatever else is in her way. We had to put up all the paper books because she thought they were really tasty. She is starting to stand up on her own and take a few steps. She started saying ba-ba and sticks her tongue out at you!


Mama Bear said...

Loved the pictures of your cutie pies. I too can't believe summer is coming to an end-sigh-
I did giggle over the "shrunk" bathing suit!!! LOL Rhonda

Mackinac-opoly said...

Maegan looks so cute playing soccer! What fun!!
