Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Pretty Princess!

This girl loves stickers! Mom found more that were left over from our garage sale.
This morning when I was fixing her hair, she looked in the mirror and said,"pretty princess"!!!!
Maegan is practicing to be like her Guate-a-Auntie Carrie!! Can you tell she's been to the Dr. a few times?

The end of blowing me a kiss!! She is such a sweetie! She says,"Bless you" when someone sneezes, Thank-you when you give her something and "Saw-wee" with a cute smile and slight tilt of her head as soon as her little hiney hits the time out chair!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who is this big girl?

Wow she has grown. I am amazed at Matthew daily and his growth.

God has SO blessed us.