Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Maegan loves dancing!

My mom's clock plays music every hour and Maegan loves to dance to it! Her face in this last picture cracks me up. Wayland called his hairdresser today for an appointment!!! YEAAAA!! He looks just like his mom with his hair long.
**Prayers are needed for this sweet boy. He is my very good friend's cousin. His name is Trevor Tredaway and he is two years old and has been diagnosed with hypothalamic glioma and that it is inoperable. The tumor is in his nasal cavity, behind his right eye and around the hypothalamus. He recently underwent surgery and are awaiting the results from a biopsy they did on his spine where the suspect more tumors. He has a website that has pictures and a journal his mom Melinda and dad Todd keep updated. When you get a minute, visit his website. You'll need to set up an account but it's really easy. You can leave words of encouragement for the family too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She looks so cute! I love watching babies dance...the boys are into the Cars movie right now and Memphis really gets down to the songs!

Potty training is not going so well here either...i think it will be a while, i was hoping it would be before Cairo comes home...but i seriously doubt it!!