Saturday, January 5, 2008

Back to the ducks

Since Maegan loves feeding the ducks, we took her today since it was a bit warmer than it has been. The hat makes her look like a conehead, but it keeps the West Texas wind out of her fragile ears.
Maegan wanting more bread for the ducks.

We (me) thought it would be funny to start throwing the bread closer to Wayland's foot. Remember in the previous post about how mean the ducks are. He was preoccupied watching Maegan that he didn't even notice. Until the huge gray ducks started swarming him. He literally started high stepping away. It was so hilarious.

Here is Joel catching Maegan steps away from being in the lake.

Thankfully, no one had the camera for the first time down this slide with Maegan & I. I haven't gone down this slide in years!! I had on just thin cotton pants. I had to lean back to get under the tunnel thing to be able to go down. That sent us flying down like a torpedo! I guess I had a funny look on my face because Joel and Mom were laughing pretty hard. So Wayland was in charge of taking her down the slides.


Alleen said...

CUTE!!!! Wish I could see the look on your face in a pic though!!!

We went to the park today, but my gosh, no way could I let Gabriella out near the water. She'd be in it for sure.

Anonymous said...

Okay I love love love me some Wayland but CUT THAT HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is the cutest boy EVER but please CUT THAT HAIR.

Love ya == Julie