Saturday, April 18, 2009

It's been awhile!!

Maegan actually took this picture of Makayla! A girl at work thinks Makayla looks like a baby Dora!
One of the many self portraits of Maegan took of herself!

The girls with their Easter baskets.

Nanny, Maegan and Averi decorating eggs.

Makayla laughing at her silly big sister. Maegan is the only one that can make Makayla laugh so hard.

M'Kenna & Makayla at the Easter party Mindy had for the kids. They had a great time! It was comforting to be with good friends during sad times! Friends are the family members God forgot to give you~

Maegan & Makayla watching the baby channel before going to bed. They really love eachother!

Maegan says Makayla looks like the Lollipop kids from the Wizard of Oz in this pajama outfit.

I started a new job 2 weeks ago and I really like it. Makayla has gotten her 2 bottom teeth. She sits up for a good while before she loses her balance. She loves to lay on her belly and she scoots around kinda like Army crawling to get where she needs to be.


Mama Bear said...

Ahhh, they are soooooo sweet and so beautiful. It is so nice to see the love they share. I think it's really cool having the "self" portraits taken!

Mackinac-opoly said...

They are just adorable, Lisa! It is so awesome that they have each other...they will be the best of friends.
