Tuesday, January 27, 2009

She's starting early!

Here is Miss Maegan blow drying her hair after her bath. It goes more smoothly if I let her do it herself for a bit! She insists on having her fingernails and toenails painted at times! I introduced her to the little stickers you can put on your nails and she thinks that is just the best thing ever! It seems like overnight she has started talking so much more maturely! She is still an awesome big sister! She loves to hold Makayla, sing to her and squeeze her cheeks! It's so funny when she does that. She gets a big handful and pulls. We all yelled at the same time for her to let go, but Makayla busted out laughing! My favorite saying Maegan says about Makayla is,"Poor Makayla, she don't have any teeth to eat and has to drink a bottle! Bless her heart!"She says it with such a sad face and pouty lips! I never realized how much of my kiddos lives I was missing when I was working! I was only seeing Maegan an hour in the morning and about about 4 or so hours in the evening. That is craziness! I am so thankful I have been given this opportunity! I haven't yet decided when I will start to look for a job......i feel when the time is right I will know!

1 comment:

Mama Bear said...

how fun! we haven't ventured out into the painting of the nails yet though I did make one step closer and bought the stuff!