Thursday, January 1, 2009


Makayla & Maegan watching Dora this morning!

Makayla turned 3 months old today! Below is a picture of Maegan just a few weeks younger than Makayla on our 1st visit trip to see her in Guatemala! Makayla is in the size department than Maegan was! Makayla loves her meal times that's for sure! They are both great girls! Makayla smiles and coos all the time. Maegan is into puzzles! She knows all of her colors and most of her numbers and letters. She loves to sing(especially to Makayla when she cries) and dance.


Mackinac-opoly said...

Oh my gosh, Lisa! How adorable are they???!!!! You are so blessed! (I know you know that :-) )


Mama Bear said...

Oh my gosh, they are both so incredibly cute. I LOVE seeing pictures of them!!! Gotta love those bumbo seats! Beautiful sisters :-)

Alleen said...

Too cute!! How funny that you think Maegan was small then. Remember how she looked like a linebacker next to Gabriella on that visit trip?????