Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Triumph for Trevor!!

Maegan showing off her Triumph for Trevor support bracelet.
This is 3 year old Trevor Tredaway. In January of 2008, Trevor was diagnosed with Hypothalamic Glioma & it is inoperable. The tumor is in his nasal cavity, behind his right eye and around the hypothalamus.

The chemotherapy they had been giving Trevor has not affected the tumor. They have also found that the brain tumor has metastasized to a few spots in his spinal cord. Here is some info from his mom, Melinda:
the doctors want to start Trevor on a 3rd chemo drug with no known benefits in children. It is used to prolong life in adults with very aggressive brain tumors. The data on its effectiveness in children will not be available for 1-2 more years. Trevor is very sensitive to medications: i.e: after his first chemo treatment, his jaw pain was so severe that he couldn't swallow; he hallucinated after taking ativan; all of the nausea and vomiting. Frankly, chemo just scares me.

Melinda & Todd, Trevor's dad, have decided to try an alternative treatment:
We were given the name of another alternative treatment center in Scottsdale, Arizona that also sounds promising. Their type of treatment is given through IV for 3-4 hours per day for 8-10 weeks. The treatment center is called Envita. They said they normally don't treat someone as young as Trevor, but they seemed to think that he would benefit from the treatment. The fact that he already has a port is a plus because that is where they would administer the medicine. This clinic treats the whole body, not just the disease. They told me that detoxifying Trevor's body is of utmost importance. There is a nutritional approach to the treatment. The treatment is designed to break apart the tumor while restoring and improving the immune system. This prevents the tumor from metastasizing. One of the medications used is polymva, and another is 4nkt. The latter is 60 days away from FDA clinical trials. I'm not sure which on Trevor would be on. I heard about the clinic last night and called them today. The treatment time is shorter, and the cost is about $25,000 cheaper than at Burzynski. We are struggling with which clinic to go to. We have basically figured that we get one shot at an alternative treatment, financially speaking.
A fund has been set up for him:
Trevor Tredaway Fund
Citizens Federal Credit Union
P.O.Box 51070 Midland , TX 79710
We are also having a 4 family garage sale this weekend with all proceeds going to Trevor. If you are able to make a donation, the family will be forever grateful. Prayers are always welcomed and needed. You can keep up with Trevor's progress at:


Unknown said...

Lisa: I am organizing a concert fundraiser for little Trevor. I am grateful for your site. God Bless You and stop by my site for a visit! With enough help, we will make this happen.

My Very Best,
Michael Manning

Unknown said...

Lisa: Good News! We have the event ready to go June 1st. Stop by my site for details.