Saturday, October 27, 2007

My poor princess...

has the stomach bug! It's a nasty one! She started the morning off by marking her territory in Wal-Mart and then 5 more times throughout the day. She went more than 8 hours without wetting her diaper which is totally out of the norm for her. She slept all day. So when she got to the point of not able to stay awake when she was throwing up I HAD to call my personal nurse! I have a friend who I've worked with at the hospital since I started who is a nurse. Since having Maegan home, we've joked about me having her phone number on speed dial!! So we took her into the ER. The doc wanted to try and get some liquids to stay down before starting an I.V. That worked. Once they got down and stayed down she livened up a bit. But, now she is going back to the way she was, so we'll have to see what tomorrow bring.



Anonymous said...

Lisa - If she likes cold things, pediacare makes frozen koolaid pops that will help to get her rehydrated. I hope that she is feeling better soon! jm

Alleen said...

oh, poor baby!!! I am gritting my teeth and praying here as we had 5 nasty, nasty blowout diapers today. I hope she doesn't get worse.

Hopefully Maegan will keep some stuff down and perk up soon.