Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Makayla!

10-01-08....I received an email from our social worker that our homestudy was completed and he sent us and the law center a copy. Just a couple of hours later we got the CALL that a lady was in labor and asked if our homestudy was done. I said yes and they said they were going to show her our profile. They called back and said she picked us! She was in labor and wanted us to try to be there for the delivery. Since she was on the west coast, there was no way. My parents, Joel's parents, Wayland, my cousins Brandon,Kasey and Kaden were here for it all. We were told to get on the first flight out. Since it was late,it would have to be the next morning. DARN IT! So my mom and I made a mad dash to Wal-Mart to get baby stuff. I just knew we would have a LONG wait, thankfully I was wrong. Kasey and Joel booked our flight out. We got to meet Makayla and her beautiful birthmom at 11:30am on 10-02-08. Here are some pics of tonight.

Enjoying her 1st birthday cake.
Maegan and Makayla this morning at daycare. We brought donut holes for the kids since Joel and I had to work and couldn't take off to do the whole cake and ice cream thing with them at daycare.

Python mouth! She was super excited!

Rhonda (sitter) loving on Makayla.

Before leaving for school.

Santa brought this car for Maegan last Christmas. She was scared of the noise it made up until this last weekend! The girls rode around the front yard forever!

Since it was drizzling for Maegans 1st soccer game, Makayla stayed in the truck.

Maegan going to her 1st soccer game.

too much excitement!

Maegan acting silly.


macnrse20 said...

Isn't it amazing how fast time flies! It seems like just yesterday we were in San Antonio for the finalization let alone a year ago when we brought our little ones home. I enjoy looking at your pictures! I just finished Connor's book for his birthday. We made sure to include Mikayla on the "Gotcha Day" page. Hope all is well. Laurie

Mama Bear said...

Ahhh, what a great post and how special. They are both sooooo beautiful. Love that little car! We've been contemplating getting one for Christmas but wasn't sure how well they go in the grass!!!