Sunday, September 21, 2008

Daddy's little helper

Maegan had a blast helping Daddy wash his truck. He was on the opposite side of the truck from Maegan. She started her dramatic,"Daddy, I hold you!!!!" When he walked to her side she doused him with the hose!! When they came in he was more wet than she was!
She'd live in a bathing suit if we let her! She took a drink from the hose & spit it right back out! Our water is the ultimate in nastiness!!

Our baby cousin Kohen, has an appointment tomorrow morning with a Pediatric Orthopedic specialist. He was born 9/2 with clubfoot. His legs are able to be moved a bit more than when he arrived home from the hospital. His mom still has to be careful when changing him, due to touching his legs causes him a great deal of pain. Please keep him in your prayers that his reconstruction prognosis is positive!

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