Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sorry for lack of posting

Here is Maegan right before going to meet her new sitter. Hopefully she won't freak out when I leave. She seemed really nice, but when we walked in, my hiney puckered a bit. She has antiques from ceiling to floor. Expensive looking ones. I hope Maegan leaves them alone!!! She said none of the kids ever mess with them??? Has she ever had a GuatemalanI'mthebossIdowhatIwant littlegirl before? This is a total different species from the American Girl I've come to find out.
We tried to do the potty training thing again and she's still not a fan of sitting on either of the pottys we have. She peed 3 times and both were after sitting for awhile screaming the entire time.

This pic was from a couple of weeks ago when we took Maegan to see Nemo on Ice. She loved it . I've never seen her sit so still.

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