Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Holiday catch-up

Maegan & I blowing out my birthday candles. Like my pajamas? After 21, there isn't anything to get excited over.
Maegan & Daddy checking out how our house is coming along. I was warned it always looks small at first, but I'm starting to freak out a bit!

Maegan's favorite movie star....Donkey!! Santa left him in her stocking.

Showing off her loot to Wayland, who is sitting to the left with his hands clinched because he only sees 4 presents for him and they are small.

Oops, coal in gift #1

AGH! coal in #2 with a tootbrush for his rude mouth! He knows he's done it now since the other two are from us! Yeah right, Nanny's boy got what he wanted!! It was fun watching him sweat it out though!

Maegan checking out the buttons on her Dora trike from Freda.

Maegan supervising the construction of her trike.


Notice what is on this girl's plate.....rice, beans and brisket! I had to work, but her Daddy said she pigged out!

At the end of a long hard day of playing!
Maegan's babysitter sent us this link
she elfed Maegan. Pretty cute!


Anonymous said...

Looks like she had a fun Christmas!!!! Enjoy them...they pass by quickly!!!!! I had Christmas with my baby living at home probably for the last time this year!!!

It so true that time passes in the blink of an eye!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

God bless you all,

Alleen said...

Happy belated birthday!! Just wait until your 40s. Then, it's really hard to get excited.

Looks like you all had a great Christmas!